Friday, July 16, 2010

Woman's Sneaky Penis Power Addiction

Ok here it is, Women are now and have been the innocent victims of penis subterfuge. Too long have boyfriends wondered why a girl would be hooked on a specific ex, or that guy at Jamba Juice, but now we have the answer.

Being that not all penises are created equal, women tend to misappropriate this hierarchy of intensity with a hierarchy of emotional value. Women will become more attached emotionally to the dude who gets them off in intense ways they never knew they wanted. She will be subdued and screwed into submission under the dominion of penis power.

Apparently they can't help it. No matter how self-respecting some women are they may be susceptible to falling for the douche who knows how to work it. A woman may even settle for the man not providing anything more than a mere side of penis.

Well, women, what do you have to say for yourselves? Have we been so programmed as evolutionary psychology would lead us to think, or do you own the ability to see through the penile trickery? Hopefully, its not an all or nothing type of thing.

Maybe there are some women who will eternally chase the temporary love that can only come while being railed from behind and having such rhetorical questions as "Yeah!.. huh?" barked at you (Porn Actresses). Maybe others will see the benefit in resisting the penis power and exerting their own balanced judgment on what makes a man worthy of their emotions (Feminists). Either way ladies, be aware of the all pervasive power of intense penis radiating its heat through pants. Do not be caught off guard, unless you're into that, then it could be pretty awesome.

So this is not to say that all women are either Porn actresses or Feminists, but I guess it kind of is to say that. Just be aware ladies and gentleman. Use the power of hormones, proprioception, and evolutionary psychology for good, not just for a good orgasm.