Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Maddest Max

You may have heard Mel Gibson hasn’t been particularly nice to his baby-mama as of late. You may have heard the recorded phone calls in which he informs his fiancé that if “she gets raped by a pack of n****s” it’s her fault. He also tells her that he’s going to burn their house down but ensures her that she’ll “blow” him first. A friend accurately described the tapes as crazy person madlibs. I’m going to [verb] your [sex organ] with a [noun, preferably large object] as if I were a a [racial epithet].

These tapes are hilarious and captivating. They’re terrifying and disgusting. But hey, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. So when life gives you racist/misogynistic audio leaks, look for a silver lining. So what’s the silver lining to these tapes? How can I turn this private tragedy into a lesson about my own narcissism, you ask? Well, here goes: these tapes are a nice reminder of my own sanity.

I can get down on myself for my problem solving skills. I can get passive, frustrated, angry, whatever. I’ve had meltdowns over parking tickets. But Mr. Gibson really puts my anger-issue in perspective. Somewhere between threatening to take a bat to his fiancé’s head and burning down his home, Mr. Braveheart reminded me that I actually have a pretty solid control over my own emotions and that I’m respectful of others. In relationships I’ve had my moments of inattentiveness and disrespect, but I’ve never yelled at a girl that her best friend would “blow me in less than 5 seconds.” I’ve never called a girlfriend a “c*nt.” Damn, Mad Max, maybe I’m actually a very reasonable and respectful person. Maybe I should cut myself some slack. Thanks for the reality check, Mel!

This is the same reaction I have when I watch shows like “16 and Pregnant.” While rubbernecking at these mini-teenage-catastrophes, in the back of my mind I’m always thinking “thank God I haven’t made a decision or mistake on this level.” All of my Catholic guilt and insistence on safe conduct have steered me clear from knocking someone up. Watching that show is like getting a high-five from the universe for responsible decisions.

Sometimes pretentious poopyheads give me a hard time for enjoying lowbrow pop culture, like Mel’s tapes or “16 and Pregnant.” But, like, whatever man. On a day to day basis, the universe kicks our asses. At work or at school, we’re often under-slept, overworked, and underappreciated. We are defeated by our circumstances all the time. It’s enough to get you down, to make you take on a whiny, cynical worldview. But what keeps me an optimist? What convinces me that I’m a decent dude? Sometimes, it’s this. It’s examples of utter failure, it’s sad displays of questionable decisions and misdirected instincts that help me stay hopeful about the consequences of my decisions and circumstances in which I live. So thank you, Mel. Thank you, “16 and Pregnant”, for helping me defeat cynicism while giggling at my TV screen.


  1. Yes Mel works hard to show us all just how insane one can be. But lets give the credit where credit is obviously due. Thank GOD for mel Gibson. God definitely does nothing by coincidence. Through listening to the tapes in question I realize that God placed Mel Gibson on the Earth as a sort of Inverse Jesus

    He is a supreme Negative example. He has money, power, a body women want, a belief in the almighty, and a total disregard for an appreciation of these things. Yes God put Melly Welly here so that we could not have our sins cleansed but brought out and highlighted in sharp contrast.

    Mel has gotten everything a man could feasibly desire in life, and has squandered it all while descending into hubris. But don't feel too bad for his meager and pathetic existence, God doesn't keep his Jesuses around for long.

    Rest assured when he finally does get that Blow Job, it'll likely be from someone's corpse. And we'll get to enjoy one last educational tirade on audio clip ending with the sound of the swat team running in shouting for him to put the crucifix of bones down, then a flurry of gunshots.

    We'll miss you Melly Welly. Its been fun to watch you suck.

  2. Check out some high class douchebaggery!

